Published: September 12, 2024
By: Alessandra Young
HERNANDO COUNTY, Fla. (WFLA) — The Hernando County Sheriff’s Office is trying something new in the fight against crime.
For almost a year they have been using Rapid DNA, which they said can help them solve cases much faster.
This technology has been a game changer for the sheriff’s office. Instead of waiting weeks — or months — for a hit on DNA, they are only waiting 90 minutes.
“In about an hour and a half, we’re able to find out if they’re wanted somewhere in the country for a serious crime. Then, less serious crimes it takes less than 24 hours to go through those,” said Sheriff Al Nienhuis.
This machine tests DNA and enters it into the national database, called CODIS, to see if that person is wanted for a serious crime.
Sheriff Al Nienhuis said using this system eliminates the need to have the Florida Department of Law Enforcement test the sample for them.
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